Are you ready to launch your business or new offer, and are wondering how you can best utilize your social media platforms in order to build and promote to your audience?
Do you even know what you should be posting, how or when you should be posting it, or what platforms will give you the best results?
That’s why I’m here – to steer you in the direction for success with proven strategies, tips and tricks to promote your launch and find those future clients of yours with ease.
As with most people these days, you’re already using social media platforms on your personal time, but how can you use it BETTER?
If you haven’t been using social media to promote your business, you’re doing it all wrong. Social media is great because it’s free and lets you connect with people all over the world with very little effort.
So, let’s take a look at what platforms you should be and how you should be using them.

For now, we’re going to focus on the number one social media platform ever since Myspace – Facebook.
Not only can you be running ads for low rates, but you can be connecting with people in Facebook groups, promoting your website or offers through a Facebook business page, and not to mention, easily sharing your business with your friends and family.
Here is how I use Facebook to its fullest potential:
Not only do I have my own personal profile, but I have a business page geared towards my business. Then I have a Facebook group to connect with people who are interested in the same things I offer in my business. On top of that, I’ve joined tons of Facebook groups and I post to a select few I don’t miss a beat because my goal is to become massively visible and look like an expert in my field.
So, with that being said, I post every day in about 5 different Facebook groups, my personal profile, my business page, and my own Facebook group. Not to mention, all of my posts offer great insight like what I’m offering to you RIGHT NOW.
Let’s not forget about Facebook live! I try to do these once a week in my Facebook group to discuss new and interesting topics that I handle on a daily basis in my business. Once again, I want to look like an expert in my field and become massively visible!
Here’s how you can utilize Facebook to its fullest potential:
Post consistently 5-7 times a week EVERYWHERE. That means your personal profile, your business page, your Facebook group, and 5 other Facebook groups that appeal to your ideal audience.
This doesn’t mean to post the same thing in different groups on the same day. I would change it up a bit so people are seeing all this amazing information you’re providing to them and it doesn’t get redundant.

LinkedIn is a great platform for business professionals to network and connect on a more professional level. LinkedIn helps you develop your personal brand by sharing your resume, focusing on your experiences, and ultimately connect with businesses to build your professional portfolio.
Here is how I use LinkedIn:
I post every day on this platform just like I do on my Facebook page. However, I am also able to write/share articles as I would on my blog and use hashtags to get the most visibility. I am also constantly connecting with other individuals who I feel would be a great fit to work with.
Here’s how you can use LinkedIn:
Just like Facebook, I would be posting your content consistently here, too. You want to be providing value to your audience and appear as though you ARE the EXPERT they’ve been looking for.
LinkedIn LOVES keywords and hashtags, so be sure to use them. Start connecting with others that you feel would be a great fit to work with that are in your niche. LinkedIn makes this so easy!
Don’t forget to post blog articles as well! This will make you more visible across the board and people will be eager to share that article across the network.

Instagram isn’t just for sharing those beautiful photos. It’s actually a wonderful lead generation tool.
Instagram now also features IGTV, where you can post videos that are 15 minutes long which is an awesome feature compared to on your feed that only allows videos to be less than 60 seconds.
Stories are also a very important tool on Instagram as they are now way more popular than just posting on your newsfeed. In fact, stories are out performing posts on newsfeeds now more than ever.
Here is how I use Instagram to its fullest potential:
I post every day on my newsfeed as I would on any other platform, however, I include 30 hashtags. This is the maximum amount of hashtags that you can use and I use as many as I can in order to get the most views on each post. Hashtags are how people find you and your photos on Instagram, so it’s a must!
I also share my Facebook live videos that I would record in my Facebook group on a weekly basis on my IGTV. These are informative chats that I feel are a great fit for my IGTV audience because they not only show me in a more personal setting, but give great tips that they can utilize in their business.
Each morning I try to post something to my Instagram story. Whether it’s of my morning walk, or something informative. I even try posting polls or questions to get people to engage with me more. Using a hashtag here and there on a story is super helpful to get people to find your story and want to start following you.
Here’s how you can use Instagram, too:
Same as I do in every other platform, post consistently! I cannot stress this enough and with Instagram it’s super important. If you aren’t posting consistently, you aren’t going to grow. Don’t forget, this appeals to both your newsfeed AND your stories.
Use ALL 30 hashtags whenever possible. Hashtags will help you grow tremendously. You should also be browsing within those hashtags so you can be connecting with other like minded individuals.
If you are recording Facebook live videos, then I highly suggest you add them to your IGTV. So many of your Facebook lives are super informative, so why not share them in other spaces? If you aren’t recording Facebook live videos, Instagram offers their Live feature as well. So that is always an option if you want to jump on talk about something relevant in your niche.
Keep in mind on each of these platforms, NUMBERS DO NOT MATTER. Sure, it may look impressive to have thousands of followers, but it’s your content that really counts. If you don’t offer quality content, you are going to struggle to build an audience that is interested in what you have to offer.
You also don’t need to post in every platform. If it seems too much, you can always focus your efforts on one or two platforms so you can utilize them to your fullest potential. I only use three because I find them to be massively effective for me when it comes to finding leads. Yes, there are many other platforms out there, but these are the ones I recommend to all of my clients.
Are you struggling with creating content or writing quality posts that show you’re an expert in your field?
Do you find the concept of posting every day and staying consistent tedious and time consuming?
It’s completely normal for a business owner like yourself to feel that way. Look at all the other tasks you need to be doing like focusing on your clients needs or creating that new online course that’s about to launch. Do you REALLY have time to create content and post every day on your own?
I didn’t think so. That’s why I’m here to help. I offer my proven sales writing skills to all of my clients that don’t have the time to create or learn on their own, not to mention my social media expertise. I’ve worked with many different businesses and Fortune 500 companies that have needed my extra support.
I guarantee we can easily create a content creation schedule and posting calendar that will fit your needs and your budget in order to promote your launch and find your future clients with ease.
Book a FREE call with my today: