Are you about to launch your business or new offer and are looking for ways to automate your launch funnel with little to no work?
Are you also looking for ways to make your launch funnel more profitable and be as successful as can be?
Picture this: Waking up in the morning and seeing you just made 10k in one night all resulting from your launch funnel?
…Or imagine having a full roster of clients within one week of your launch.
With these 5 Must-Haves You Need To Run Your Launch Funnel With Ease, you will be on your way to making that first 10k in no time.

Your launch funnel is all about building a relationship while seeding the value you’re offering. With that being said, having different ways to show how you can solve a problem or showing the benefits of your offer will make a huge impact on your prospective clients.
Yes, there’s no doubt that creating the perfect offer is SUPER important, but marketing it early and creating the funnel correctly is what’s going to ultimately land you sales.
#1 Landing Page
Your first impression means everything.
That’s why your landing page has to be clear and to the point to showcase what you are offering and how you can solve the problem your prospective clients are struggling with.
A landing page is a one-page website also known as a lead-capture page. When someone clicks on your link to what you are offering, they should be taken to this page to learn more with the ability to purchase, book a call, or sign up for an opt-in offer.
Your landing page should explain the next steps your client can take which doesn’t always mean a sale. Sure, you want to have the option for them to purchase your offer on your landing page, but you also want to give them the option to sign up to learn more.
#2 Email Opt-In
This is where your email opt-in offer comes into play.
An opt-in offer is something that you are offering for free to entice people to join your email list. With that email list, you’re going to use it as a way to showcase the benefits of what you’re offering while providing tons of value on a consistent basis.
Your email list is going to be your BIGGEST stream of income for your launch. So, you want to make sure to nurture those relationships with the people on your list while directing them down your launch funnel.
An opt-in offer can be anything from a free PDF, e-book, online course, the list goes on and on. The more creative you are, the more your opt-in will stand out and the more people will sign up!
#3 Email Sequence
Your email sequence is just as important as your opt-in offer. The sequence is what’s going to save you tons of time while also helping to market your services and stay on top of mind for your audience.
So, when people sign up for your opt-in offer – you don’t want that to be your only email to them when they first sign up. You really want to sell to them and showcase what you have to offer, and setting your emails into a sequence with super valuable information is what’s going to ultimately lead to not only relationships, but to sales.
In your sequence, you want your first email to be your welcome email including your opt-in offer. This is just an introduction while also providing them with what they signed up for. You want this to be sent to them right away before they forget and move on.
The following emails should be content based and provide them value while also giving them Call-To-Action’s so they can be more inclined to get back to your landing page and purchase that offer! I highly suggest 3-5 emails that are set in your sequence/automation over the course of a few weeks.
#4 Give Them a WOW + HOW
So your email sequence is going to be providing tons of value to them. But if they didn’t sign up for your email opt-in, how else can you make your launch funnel successful?
Videos are currently out performing any other content out there. Comparing to instagram-worthy photos or written content, videos receive the most views and the highest engagement ratings.
You want to take this into consideration when marketing yourself and creating your launch funnel. Whether you are a blogger or running a coaching business – video is a huge asset.
Create IGTV videos, YouTube videos, and do some Facebook Lives that will provide tons of value to your audience to give them the WOW and HOW factor. End each video with a call to action to visit your landing page. I promise you, by sharing your story and by providing valuable content through video, your launch will automate those sales in no time.
#5 Create consistency
Above all else, consistency is what matters the most when creating your launch funnel. You can’t just create your funnel and expect to make butt-loads of cash. You have to create the content, share it, educate your audience, and promote the hell out of it.
Whether it’s your email sequence, video content, or posting to social media – consistency is key to automating those sales in your launch funnel.
How I stay consistent is by having Trello boards and lists to help me stay organized. Asana, Hive, and Monday are all really great platforms to use as well. By having boards and lists, even if it’s just Excel spreadsheets, it makes a HUGE difference when planning your content, keeping track of leads, and staying consistent.
This is one of the biggest areas I help my clients in. Not only do I create the content, but I help them plan their consistency and content strategy to streamline their launch and automate those sales. If getting your business on track and outsourcing those time consuming tasks like getting organized, creating content, and setting up your launch funnel for success is something you’re SO beyond ready to do, then I’d love to chat with you and talk more about how I can help you start seeing better results and free up HOURS of your time.
Book a FREE discovery call with me today, and let’s discuss what you’re struggling with and how we can fix it. Learn more and book here: